Basically I need funding to keep doing what I do.
I figure what with the 2012 Lympics an all, Arts Council funding's gunna be a stretch.
So I've come up with another way.
Dragon's Den.
Here's part of my application form.
Yeah I can see Pufeatus going in for some of that I just have to give him 45% of my blog.
On other news I done a show last night.
Poetry-First one for a little while eh, (2 monthsish).
The night's called Tounge-Fu and it's run by a fella called Ventriloquist
I've never been there before and I didn't realize the format till I got there.
See I'd been told 2 sets of 15 minutes and I figured it it'd be me and a mic just talking, like the countless other nights of this ilk that I'd performed at in the past.
Seems it was all different. The 4 piece in-house Jazz Band would be accompanying my set.
First 15
This shit was crazy, Firstly I had to abandon my set list as it just didn't work with the band.
Secondly all my "Funny" moments seemed to not be in keeping with the Radio4esk audience.
I mean I told them how Gok Wan's from Leggy, just like me then I said about watching his show where he makes women take a photo of their least favorite body parts, (This was the set up and at the time it seemed like they were hanging on my words waiting for the punchline),
So I said "Yeah this one woman had a fanny that looked like a toothless rabbit trying to swallow part of a BMX innertube."
In my head ZING!
The Audience SILENCE.
The kind of silence that has to be written in capital letters.
At that point I decided to just get on with it.
Second 15.
Salena Godden (Also Performing) had gotten me a wine and it took the edge off.
Also I was well past the rubicon and felt like it was going ok.
I even managed to get the Band to play Fuuk Party (Pillers Tune) and this helped satisfy my hunger for confusion within the crowd as I book-ended it with my two most serious poems.
Check out the Drummer Graham Fox -Badman.