You know what rhetorical questions are don't you?
anyway one question that drove my Artistic practice throughout obtaining my degree was,
What is Art?
this became What is an Artist?
the answers are An Artist is someone who makes Art,
this became What is an Artist?
the answers are An Artist is someone who makes Art,
and Art is something made by an Artist when the Artist's intent is to make Art.
It's basically about knowing the right people.
In fact I remember in the second year we had a 2 hour lecture about how to get a residencey with a gallery after graduation.
I can summize those two hours in twelve words.
Move to London and become friends with someone who owns a Gallery.
Bullshit, (Why was I paying tuition Fees?)
Anyway, It has been agreed on a few different occasions that I am actually an Artist, (Other Artist, The Art's council, Royal Opera House and The Gardian Art's section have all said so.)
So This week I've been making Art, working in the medium of paint on wood.
I've created a series of three works and by each I've given a short explaination of the piece.
So what this means is that if it's been agreed that you are an Artist then anything you make intending it to be Art, is infact Art.
The people who decide who's an Artist or not are other Artists and the Arts establishment.It's basically about knowing the right people.
In fact I remember in the second year we had a 2 hour lecture about how to get a residencey with a gallery after graduation.
I can summize those two hours in twelve words.
Move to London and become friends with someone who owns a Gallery.
Bullshit, (Why was I paying tuition Fees?)
Anyway, It has been agreed on a few different occasions that I am actually an Artist, (Other Artist, The Art's council, Royal Opera House and The Gardian Art's section have all said so.)
So This week I've been making Art, working in the medium of paint on wood.
I've created a series of three works and by each I've given a short explaination of the piece.
2 coats under coat.
1 coat gloss.
In this site specific piece the Artist explores ideas of haste, speed and general carelessness in an attempt to truly represent the practical aspects of the piece's surrounding location.

Door Two
Door Two
A toilet door.
2 coats undercoat.
2 coats undercoat.
1 coat gloss.
touched up gloss after drying.
This piece is sited adjacent to the first piece working to give ballance and a feeling of equilibrium. In this instance the Artist has chosen to continue to add to the piece after it had reached a stage of completion thus reflecting aspects of the human condition.
3 coats undercoat.
3 coats gloss.
Without doubt the Tour de Force of the series.
With this piece the Artist has explored the themes of pointlessness and repitition, and in doing so both exposes and highlights the mundanity of modern existence.
"It's the fact that it seems almost completely pointless that makes me feel like it's important."
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