Yu know prior to this weekend I'd been on 4 plains in my whole life. Not only that but they were all in the last 2 years.
I reckon part of it is thought I might be afraid of flying.
Well this weekend I'm doubling my life-time's statistic.
Also I've only ever been on RyanAir or EasyJet where you don't get shit all.
This time I was with KLM and as it turns out I get free stuff.
So I enjoyed it alot more.
plain 1 KL1424
11.20 Birmingham-Amsterdam
Seat 11B

Neighboring passengers:
Left: Dutch man with very well behaved baby.
Right: Brummy business twat talking to a second twat about the fat girl he left in his hotel room.

Free shit: Minute Maid Jus D'Orange150ml. 8xTuc biscuit.
plane 2 KL1797
15.15 Amsterdam-Munich
Seat 07B

Neighboring passengers:
Left: Fairly attractive Europian girl who would probably be less attractive if she wasn't foriegn.
Right: The man who looks at me like I've dissapointed him, Probably English or German.

Free shit: Prince, ChocoPrince Vanillesmaak. Terra Andina Sauvignon Blanc-Chardonnay, (only got this 'cos of the blog name).
So that was the way there.
plain 3 KL1794
11.50 Munich-Amsterdam
Seat 20F (window seat badman).

Neighboring passengers:
Left: 2 thick-necked German lads reading about German cars in a German magazine.
Right:The sky

Free shit: Prince ChocoPrince; 8xTuc Pocket; Granini Apple Juice from a carton (No expence spared eh).
Now my connection in Amsterdam was like a 2 and a half hour wait and it had been over 3 hours since I smoked a roll-up.

Thankfully I managed to find this smoking area. It's a bit like a greenhouse except full of other peoples smoke. To be honest it was fucking awful.
plane 4 KL1429
15.40 Amsterdam-Birmingham
Seat 11D Aisle (Row 11 on this flight was the emergancy exit row and before take off the cabin crew lady told me and the 2 othe people in the row that in the event of an emergancy we were in charge of opening it. Crazy I didn't realise that they wanted me to have so much responcibility).

Neighboring passengers:
Left: Nobody
Right: An English man and his son. The most significant thing about this is that they were also on my first flight and I had laughed to myself at the obvious biological connection.

Free shit: ChockoPrince but I didn't even want it sick of them now, gave it to the lad he fucking loves um. Minute Maid Jus de Pomme, not fizzy but still in a can.
So there you go. Turns out I ain't afraid of flying. I also quite like the sterile atmosphere of antissipation and the intermate frisking by lacluster security gards that comes with the whole airport process. Need to find a Buroe du Change now got some Euros need switching up into pounds.
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